Choo To You


For the ultimate shopping experience, discover our range of exclusive services. Enjoy private at home appointments and on-demand delivery, available in New York City, the Hamptons and Tri-State area. Let us bring a curated selection of styles direct to you for a truly personal and private shopping experience.


Experience the world of Jimmy Choo in our boutiques and from the comfort of your home.

1. Choose a date

Request an appointment with a personal stylist through our appointment booking service.

2. Share your wishes

Detail your desires in the comment box, including your preference on how to be contacted.

3. Receive confirmation

We will confirm your appointment by phone or email and look forward to welcoming you to our world.

Contact us

Our Customer Services team is available 24/7 before and after purchase.

After Sale Support

We are here to answer any questions after your purchase is complete.

Store Locator

From opening hours to contact details, find a Jimmy Choo boutique closest to you.

Wait list

If your desired item is unavailable we will notify you when it’s back in stock.

Wish list

Create a wish list of your most-desired pieces and share with a friend or boutique.

Reserve in store

Reserve pieces online to try on in your preferred boutique.

Delivery & Returns

We offer complimentary exchanges and returns on all orders.


Our products are handcrafted by skilled artisans.


Discover the perfect style for you and your bridal party. Book an in-store appointment and experience bespoke services or explore the latest collections during a private virtual appointment.


Create your dream handbag or pair of Choos. Designed and handmade to your specifications. Create a unique style, starting from your choice of materials and colours.